MegaPush Review & Case Study – The Ultimate Guide [2024 Update]

Home ยป Traffic Generation ยป MegaPush Review & Case Study – The Ultimate Guide [2024 Update]
This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through these links I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I personally hand-test everything that I promote, and I only link to services and products that I like.

2024 Update: This Megapush review & case study was done by me over 4 or 5 years ago. Since then they have gone through some shady practices and now apparently the site is offline which means that the platform is dead as of 2024.

You can read my original review and case study below. It might still be useful.

Check out 15 Cheap Traffic Sources if you don’t want to give MegaPush a try anymore


Are you looking to get more traffic for your website or affiliate campaigns? Well look no further… in this article I will talk about push notification traffic and reviewing MegaPush, an ad company that has a huge inventory of push notifications traffic.

But first:

My favorite all-in-one SEO tool is Semrush. It basically has over 40+ SEO tools inside one neat and easy-to-use platform. Check out Semrush via my affiliate link and get a 7-day free trial.

What Are Push Notifications?

Well, push notifications are those messages that you receive on your phone, from various apps and websites that you subscribed to, they can also appear on desktop computers too.

Basically here is how push notifications work:

You visit a site frequently and you would like to keep up with all the new stuff? Great, the website owner might ask you to subscribe and receive notifications when new things are posted on that site.

Did you download a new app on your phone? Well, you will more than likely get sent push notifications from that app, daily or weekly. These notifications can be about anything really…

If you downloaded a game, you might get notifications about hot deals in the game or for bonuses or extra events. If you have a banking app, you might receive a notification every time you spend or receive money.

But the most common push notifications today are the ones you will receive from messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, etc.

Push Notifications As a Traffic Source

Push Notification Example

Now that I’ve explained to you a bit about how they work, do you now realize how powerful push notifications are?

If you don’t, well listen up:

Push notification traffic is INSANE! 

You basically get to send your message across millions of devices and reach people INSTANTLY.

Gone are the days waiting for Google to send you traffic from search optimization, gone are the days where you would struggle to get email sign-ups, who has time to manage a social page on Facebook only to get 5 clicks a day back to your website, and more importantly who even clicks on regular ad banners anymore?

You see, with push notification, the traffic is fast, scalable and cheap.

Imagine, it’s Black Friday, you could create a push notification ad and send people to your blog or shop, offering them great deals and discounts that you know they are looking for.

Don't know how to get started making money online? One of the best ways is to start a blog. You can easily do that by reading my Free Guide.

Is it snowing in New York right now? Awesome,  send out a push notification like this: “Staying inside because it’s snowing? Check out this amazing app.”

It also works for desktop devices too

The possibilities are endless…

This is not really a new concept, push notifications are already a few years old, but you basically had to have your own website or app with people subscribed to you in order to take advantage of this traffic method.

From 2017, things have changed, and we can now get this traffic from multiple sources, without having to actually have our own websites and apps with subscribers.

But where do you get all this push notification traffic from? It’s simple, you buy it, there are many ad networks who now serve push notification traffic and it’s dirt cheap and very high quality. Oh did I forgot to mention that it’s also almost 100% bot free traffic?

You see there aren’t yet any programs and software for sending fake bot traffic with push notifications you need real human interaction to open up and see your ad… this is also very important and another reason why this type of traffic is amazing.


megapush review is one of the biggest push notification networks out there. They are a relatively young ad network, but who cares?

They have an amazing volume of traffic that converts well and guess what, the CPC (cost per click) starts at… $0.001. 

Before we dive deeper into Megapush and showing you my case study plus review, let’s take a look at some of their stats.

Megapush Stats


These are their stats for today:

  • 106,391,541 – Users
  • 1,427,413,101 – Impressions
  • 19,146,370 – Clicks
  • $0.03 – Average CPC

Their Traffic Demographics:

  • Male – 80%
  • Female – 20%


  • Under 18 years: 17.7%
  • 18 – 24 years: 10.1%
  • 34 – 44 years: 11.7%
  • 45 – 54 years: 32%
  • 55 years and older: 7.5%

The verticals (what type of offer or websites that advertisers are sending traffic from MegaPush)

If you're like me and running various different CPA and affiliate offers in many countries around the world, you want to see how the landing page of the vendor looks in those specific GEO's. Use a VPN, such as NordVPN.
  • General E-commerce: 17%
  • Dating Offers: 15%
  • Sweepstake Offers: 14%
  • Gambling: 12%
  • Betting: 12%
  • Binary Options: 10%
  • News: 8%
megapush volume

MegaPush Minimum Deposit

The MegaPush minimum deposit is just $100. This is good because it’s not a very high amount and this means that almost anyone can afford to spend $100 and start testing some campaigns and send traffic websites and offers using push notification traffic.

This ad network has plenty of ways for you to fund your account, to be exact: over 26 methods of adding money to your account, which is awesome. These include PayPal, Bitcoin, Visa, Mastercard, ePayments, WebMoney, Wire and more.

megapush deposit

MegaPush Guide (Campaign Setup)

Ok, so by now you’re pretty much excited about using MegaPush to get traffic to your website or your affiliate offers… Here’s how you can get started and how you can set up your first campaign:

  1. Register for an account here.
  2. Fund your account with at least $100

It’s really that simple. After you have an account funded, it’s time to create your first campaign.

First, go to the left side of the screen, and in the menu click on Push and then on New Campaign.

After that, you will see all the options and things you need in order to launch a push notification campaign on the MegaPush ad network.

Most of these things are pretty self-explanatory and easy to understand:

Campaign Name: Add the name of your campaign

Link: The link to your offer or to your website (you could also use tracking tokens, more on that later)

Title: This is the first line of text from the push notification and the most important one. You’re only allowed 30 characters, so make it count!

Message: This can be a bigger description of your offer or website, you’re limited to 45 characters only. Oh, and you could also use emojis ๐Ÿ˜‰

Image: This is the main image of your campaign. The sizes are 492 x 328 pixels. You can have text in your ad and pretty much anything that’s clean, be careful not to have ads that are too revealing, like nude women or people having sex, see-through clothing, etc…

Icon: Also important is the icon, this is the little image that’s on the left of the push notification, the sizes for this image are: 192 x 192 pixels. This should be something that grabs users attention, think about: chat icons, exclamation point, dollar sign etc.

If you're like me and running various different CPA and affiliate offers in many countries around the world, you want to see how the landing page of the vendor looks in those specific GEO's. Use a VPN, such as NordVPN.

Select Country: Pretty much self-explanatory, you chose the country you wish to advertise in.

CPC: This is the cost per click that you will pay depending on the country you selected previously. It starts at $0.001 which is amazing, but some tier 1 countries have their minimum bid at least $0.01 or $0.02, so keep that in mind. Also, they have a weird way of displaying their CPC, if you see 1 it actually means 1 cent or $0.01, so 1 is not $1 per click, it’s actually $0.01. So for example: 2.3 is $0.023, 0.4 is $0.004, etc.

megapush cpc

ISP: If you want to target specific ISP (internet service providers) for your mobile campaigns, you can do that here. (Not Important usually just leave it empty like that)

Device: Here you can select the platform you want your traffic from if you want to advertise on mobile, desktop, or all of them combined. The minimum CPC will change here depending on the device you select.

Operating System: Windows, Mac OS, or Android. (Not really important, you can leave it default)

Start & Stop Time: If you want to schedule your campaigns, this is the place to do it.

IP Range: If you only want to target a select group of IPs. (You don’t really need this, so you can leave it empty)

Feeds Main: These are all the sources that you will receive your push traffic from. The feeds that are highlighted with bold don’t have any push traffic.

megapush guide

When you first start a new campaign you should leave them all enabled, and basically don’t touch them, because you don’t know yet which feed will be profitable for you, so you need to have them all enabled at first.

After that you can just track each feed via your campaign link that uses a token and a tracker setup, to see which feed is profitable and which feed you need to disable.

It’s important to know that you will need a tracker if you plan on promoting affiliate CPA offers. If you don’t track your campaigns, you will more than likely struggle to make a profit, especially if you are paying a high CPC. But like I said this only matters if you are heavily into CPA and other affiliate offers.

If you simply want more people to visit your website and to sign up to your email newsletter or read your articles you can just use Google Analytics. But I still recommend you to grab a tracker like RedTrack.

Because anytime you spend money on advertising, you want to get back data…without data your money is spent without a control, some feeds can send you thousands of traffic and never convert, so it’s only logical to disable them and leave only the feeds that make you money enabled, in order to make a nice profit.

If you're like me and running various different CPA and affiliate offers in many countries around the world, you want to see how the landing page of the vendor looks in those specific GEO's. Use a VPN, such as NordVPN.

Long story short, grab a tracker if you plan on making serious money. I recommend RedTrack (One of the cheapest trackers you can find, it’s also very good and you get a free 14 days trial).

Feeds Social: Here you can select if you want male or female traffic (or you could leave both of them enabled)

More Options: Enter a budget limit if you want for example if you add 20, your campaign limit will be $20, so your total amount of clicks and traffic will depend on that budget.

You could also limit your campaign by the number of clicks, or by ROI or Profit. Usually,  I just limit it by budget, like $20 or $30, and raise it accordingly.

Postback: This is the postback URL that contains MegaPush tracking tokens. Basically, you can copy this URL to your affiliate network’s dashboard or offer (if it has that option) and you will be able to send data about your traffic back to your affiliate network and see which feed id brought you a lead or a sale, and how much you paid for it etc. Then your network can send that information back to Megapush and you will be able to also see the conversions inside Megapush dashboard for each campaign.

This is only useful if you are sending traffic to affiliate CPA offers and want to have everything tracked inside MegaPush as well.

Link: This is an example of how your campaign link should look like using the MegaPush tracking tokens. So like I said before if you are doing CPA offers you will have to set this up correctly if you want to track your leads and optimize your campaigns properly.

You can use these tokens, for example, {feedid} and {bid} with a tracking software like Redtrack, and accurately track every conversion that you make, how much you spent on it, from what device and how much it costs.

If you don’t promote affiliate offers, and you simply want to promote your freshly created blog or website, you could just use Google Analytics and use the MegaPush tokens inside the UTM tags of Google Analytics, or just ignore it.

But like I said, tracking is vital in online marketing, it can break or make your campaign.

Preview and the submit buttons: One lets you preview your campaign before it’s ready to be launched, the other will submit your campaign to be reviewed by the MegaPush staff in order to approve it.

That’s literally all you need to know about creating a campaign in MegaPush.

Kinda too much info right?

If you're like me and running various different CPA and affiliate offers in many countries around the world, you want to see how the landing page of the vendor looks in those specific GEO's. Use a VPN, such as NordVPN.

Well, you’re right, but you see I didn’t want to skimp on anything, just in case a beginner marketer will read this blog post and not know what some of these terms really mean.

For me, the most important ones are really the device that I’m targeting and also the feeds. I don’t really care about the other things, I usually leave them all on default, just select my CPC accordingly select a country and a device and that’s it.

Short MegaPush Case Studies

Ok, well now that we got all of that covered, here are a few case studies of mine. Basically, I ran a few campaigns for various CPA offers in different countries and categories. You might be wondering, why I chose CPA offers and why these niches?

Well, you see… I test a lot of things and I have fun running CPA campaigns, some people play video games to relax, I run CPA offers, weird I know… anyway I will post here some of the results I got from a few hours of playing around with different setups.

Some of my daily tests of various offers in MegaPush, most of these were profitable for me, the others I just stopped them and didn’t care to optimize more.

I test many campaigns every day, all of them randomly in different countries and niches… but for now I just want to show you 2 campaigns that were not that difficult to get them to be profitable, the other campaigns that you see above eh… some failed most of them were profitable though.

I didn’t want to optimize the failed campaigns more, because I didn’t believe that they would make it eventually… so I just stopped them and moved on.

But these 2 campaigns took me just a few hours to set them up, optimize them and get a few sales and leads. So not bad for a few hours of work. They can scale up pretty nicely if you just get creative and start testing different ad types, devices, countries etc…

Also, keep in mind that these results vary, and this doesn’t mean that you will also have a profitable campaign from the start, you need to track and optimize your campaigns if you want to really bring in a nice profit.

I don’t know what campaigns you will run and what you will target, so I can’t promise you anything, cool? ๐Ÿ™‚

Ok, let’s go:

1st Case Study: Dating CPA – Ireland

Dating CPA Ireland
This is not the actual image/model that I used in my campaign. Just a stock photo from Pixabay for this example ๐Ÿ™‚

From time to time I like to play around with dating CPA offers, I enjoy coming up with different ad types, creatives, and ideas… because there are so many possibilities and angles that you can run within this niche.

For some people this will be categorized as “hard work”, but for me, it’s pure joy.

So, I used LosPollos, a CPA company that’s a bit different from all the other CPA networks. Basically, they just give you 1 single offer link, also called a smartlink that can be used in all the countries in the world, and that link will have a different prelanding page, landing page, and offer, all depending on the user’s device, location and browser settings.

Since you're reading this, why not subscribe to my super duper awesome newsletter and receive more insightful tips and latest news in the business? I only send an email once or twice a month so no spam. Subscribe for free.

They rotate the offers on that smartlink every time with some of their best performing and tested dating CPA offers around, in order to make it possible for you to have a nice profit, without having to guess all the time if an offer is good or not.

Now LosPollos is not that easy to get in, from what I’ve heard recently, they want more experienced affiliate marketers on board, you can apply and see how it goes, but if you don’t get in, you could also just sign up for AdCombo or Peerfly (I think they have a smartlink option too now) or Maxbounty.

Ok, back to my case study. I grabbed my dating smartlink from LosPollos, and I created a campaign on MegaPush in a random country, I chose Ireland at that time… I created 2 campaigns for Ireland, one for desktop and one for mobile traffic.

I don’t like to create campaigns where both devices are enabled, because it complicates things a bit and I would just like to stop each of them at a certain point without affecting the other.

For example, if desktop traffic isn’t converting, I could just stop that desktop campaign, without having to stop my mobile campaign that is profitable and without having to create a new one again just for mobile.

As you can see I spent a total of $7,48 and received 503 clicks (desktop & mobile combined) not that bad right? Compare that to your cost per click on Google Adwords or Facebook (not that they would let you run dating CPA offers anyway) and you can see why Megapush is so awesome and affordable.

Ok, can you guess if I made any money out of that and how much?

No? Well ok then, fine… I will tell you: $38.85 – keep in mind though that the payout was dynamic, meaning different payout depending on the device a user signed up or depending on the offer that was in rotation at that time.

Screenshot from my LosPollos dashboard for Ireland. I blurred the other countries because well… some things are a secret ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s not a big sum of course, but it only took me a few hours to set that campaign up and run it, and I only spent a total of $7.48 which gave me a profitable ROI of 419.39%

Not that bad ๐Ÿ™‚

And I would go a step further and give you an example of how the campaign looked, not that many marketers will reveal their successful campaigns you know…

This was the exact title and icon that I used, I just had a different girl in the bigger picture (a bit more “naughty”), you can find your own images on sites like PixaBay, etc… just make sure you don’t infringe on any copyright laws and that you have permission to use those photos.

But keep in mind that Megapush won’t allow you to use nudity in your images, so you need to be a bit creative… ????

If you're like me and running various different CPA and affiliate offers in many countries around the world, you want to see how the landing page of the vendor looks in those specific GEO's. Use a VPN, such as NordVPN.

2nd Case Study: Health Product – Portugal

Now, I’m still playing around and testing with this particular offer, so I won’t be revealing the exact niche/product that I promoted… but still, this was the first campaign I ever tested on MegaPush for Portugal traffic, and to my surprise, I got 2 sales in just a few hours.

It was a health product from the AdCombo network for Portugal, and it was also COD (cash on delivery).

Here are the campaign stats from MegaPush:

As you can see, I spent a total of $21.20 for 1704 clicks.

I targeted both desktop and mobile, and I had received 2 holds in a few hours. In AdCombo holds are basically placed orders that customers have left on the landing page of the product. Usually, it’s their name, phone number, and address, without any payment information or having to pull out a credit card etc. It’s all done by phone.

This being a COD product (cash on delivery), they will have to be called back by an operator, (AdCombo does this for you), and confirm with them that they want to actually order the product. If the customers agree, then the hold will transform into a sale.

AdCombo will instantly credit your account with the amount for the sale, and you don’t need to wait for the product to actually get delivered in order to get your money. Pretty cool huh? Especially since some older people might not be good with ordering online with PayPal or with a credit card.

Anyway, back to my case study, so those 2 holds transformed into 2 sales by the next day when the operators called the customers to confirm their order, and I had made $32 ($16 for each sale).

So I spent $22.20 and I’ve made back $32. Not that amazing really, because this is only an ROI of just 44.20%. But this was before I really started to optimize the campaign. For example, all the sales came from just 1 Feed ID (this is the default MegaPush main ID) as you can see below.

Basically, all I have to do now is just block the other in converting feed IDs and I would be able to bring in an even bigger profit and ROI.

But keep in mind, this offer is more aimed at females of a specific age group, and it’s also a product sale, not that easy to convert like the dating CPA from above where users just had to sign up to a dating site… People had to pay real money for this and be on the phone with an operator and exchange information etc… so it was a bit more difficult. Still profitable though, any profit made is good for a day of testing.

MegaPush Review – Verdict

What are you looking for anymore? It’s a YES from me. Seriously CPCs starting at $0.001? Awesome. Being able to send my message instantly with thousands or even millions of people at the push of a button? Amazing. Traffic that converts well? Extra Super Duper Impressed with MegaPush ????, and I’m not just saying that because I have my affiliate link posted all over this post…

It is one of my favorite ad networks that I work with and I do use them daily for testing various CPA offers that work well on Push Traffic.

Want to host super fast-loading landing pages at a cheap price? Use Vultr. Run a VPS server from just $2.5/month.

So yeah go ahead and try it out, you only need $100 to start, and who knows, maybe you will love it so much that it will be the only source of traffic that you will use for a long time.

Go ahead give a try… sign up here. 

Also, check out RedTrack if you need a performant tracker that is also very affordable and AdCombo if you need a new CPA network.

Yes yes…I know affiliate links…but what do you think? That I would write this post of 3600+ words for nothing? I need to hustle and get that paper son…

But joking aside, I only receive a small commission if you sign up with them through my link, you can choose not too, and that’s ok ๐Ÿ™‚

Good luck, and let me know in the comments if you used Megapush and how it worked out for you.




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  1. Without a doubt, this is the best content I’ve seen on the subject. I decided to make a website about curiosities and another one about recipes in Spanish. I followed your tip on another blog to use Ezoic. I already got their approval for the trivia site, all I need now is website traffic to start monetizing. Do you think that in fact the push through Megapush can help me by doing a kind of traffic arbitration?

    1. Hi Satish.

      When I last tested them, they were great and had good traffic. No network is 100% bot free by the way. Even Google Ads or Bing Ads will have competitors clicking on your ads to waste your ad budget.

      Regarding MegaPush, please read the update I have made at the beginning of the post, and it’s up to you to decide if you want to try them out or not.


  2. Hey Stephen
    Thank you so much for this article this is one of the best I have ever read since am 30 now I will like to subscribe to you YouTube channel if you have anyone please I will like to be getting in touch with you day by day please here is my email [email protected]
    And also what about best paid traffic to promote clickbank product what do you think and which current ads network you are using now and how is going with you for CPA offer I know you text so many ads network but which one are you using now

    1. Hey Chidiebere,

      I’m glad that you like my article and my blog, I hope it helps you out in the future.

      At the moment I don’t have any content on my YouTube channel, but maybe in the future, I plan on making some video tutorials and post it there, so subscribe to my email list if you want to get notified when I post new articles and videos.

      Now for your other question, about Clickbank and paid traffic. Honestly, every paid traffic method works, I had success with a ton of traffic networks for promoting ClickBank and CPA offers, have you checked my website traffic sources article?

      I explain more in-depth there about multiple ad networks that I like using.

      At the moment I’m not doing too much internet marketing and thus not doing any paid traffic for CPA or other offers, I’m a bit busy with things in real life, but mostly I use push notification and native ad traffic from networks like propellerads, megapush, revcontent, etc. You could try push traffic first, it has a lower amount of bot traffic (if not even close to 0), try out PropellerAds it has a minimum deposit of $100 and has more features than megapush, also I have invested over $10k only in PropellerAds so I know they are good ๐Ÿ™‚

      Hope this helps, good luck.

  3. Hey Stephen, I know there is question about ad arbitrage already but I need to know a bit more so I’d really appreciate your answer ๐Ÿ™‚

    So I run an ad arb website and run some test campaigns on facebook but they didn’t generate any revenue or much less than the costs… I’m thinking about changing the traffic source to Megapush but I’ve read some comments around pple adsense account just got banned bcos of megapush traffic. What is your opinion about it? Is megapush safe for adsense or… ?

    Also talked with someone who buy traffic from tier 2-3 countries to his ad arb website and make a decent profit ‘cos that kind of traffic is very cheap on megapush.

    I also attached a link to of my website. I’d really appreciate your opinion If you took a look ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you very much for your advice!

    1. Hi Valentin,

      I will be honest with you and tell you that I haven’t tested MegaPush traffic in a while now, and a few people have mentioned that they have some problems with them either with the support staff or the way that the campaigns performs, so at this point, since I haven’t tested them in a while I wouldn’t recommend you to use them for adsense arbitrage.

      I mean I’m sure the traffic is legit and even more legit than other sources like pop traffic etc, and it still converts good for CPA offers, but for AdSense I dunno, you can always try a small test of like $50-$100 and see how the traffic performs on your site if the time spent on site is high, the bounce is low and the CPC and CTRs on adsense ads are decent you can keep running the traffic for longer…and start optimizing… just don’t go crazy sending thousands of visitors at first.

      Yes, tier 2-3 countries work very well for adsense arbitrage in general not only with MegaPush due to the same reason.

      Hope this helps,

      1. Hi stephen I have big problem with mega push I was register yesterday and I added 100$ found. Now they told me that my account is blocked and I can’t log in !?

        1. Hi there,

          Sorry to hear about that, I have no idea what to tell you to be honest because it never happened to me or heard about this issue so far, have you broken any of the rules? (when you sign up you will have to read a page of rules that you agree on, in order to be able to advertise with them, etc).

          In any case, your best option would be to contact them directly and talk with them to see what happened.

          If that doesn’t work, you can try and refund your money by using PayPal or do a chargeback from your credit card.

          Hope this helps,

  4. thanks for this amazing article .
    i want to run adsense arbitrage targeting usa traffic ,is push megapush good for this ??
    and what the average cpc you think i will get ??

    1. MegaPush can work for many things, including arbitrage, do keep in mind that MegaPush works with 50+ traffic providers (they are called feeds, and you can disable or enable as many as you want inside your campaigns) that also include propellerads and more, so basically you will get traffic from other networks too, even if you’re using MegaPush only.

      So because of that, your campaigns might be doing good or bad, depending on the traffic sources you will be targeting. You can also choose to just work with the MegaPush feed, in that case, the US traffic tends to be at least $0.05 per click.

      As for what CPC you can get in AdSense, well that depends on many things, like the niche of your website, traffic source, mobile vs desktop traffic, time spent on site, type of ads served, etc… so you can’t really get a good or bad CPC just because you’re using MegaPush.

      Hope this helps,

        1. US traffic will always be some of the most expensive traffic you can buy on pretty much any advertising network and not only Push.

          So yes, US traffic in Propeller is kinda on the expensive side, but your CTR definitely matters too.


      1. I have actually tried the platform for a few weeks after reading articles such as this, the traffic can be good, and the volume is big…However, there is a huge flaw with the platform. It will drain your budget quick. If for example, you run a trial campaign to optimize, you could easily find it overrun the budget by close to 100 dollars withing 1/2 an hour. Now that is an expensive trial campaign, from which you learn nothing. The platform has two ways to control this, budget limit, or click limit, neither one works and has the potential the drain your budget… You don’t get your money back, just excuses. A self serve platform should do what it says at least for the most part.

  5. hello stephen, good article but i just seen megapush rules and they say that adult content is not allowed when i see lospollos landers i see dating but has nudity on all its landers

    1. Hi Michael,

      That’s why you will have to use a pre-lander ๐Ÿ™‚ Even something simple like: “Are you 18+? and with a YES / NO” button that then redirects to the lospollos or any other dating CPA link.


  6. I just want to saysaya big thakyou for this very post it clears the air on paid traffic. What have read here is far more valuable than eBook I bought on same topic thanks a lot
    Pled if you are on YouTube letme know so I can subscribe to your channels
    Just a question on propellerad, what is their minmun amount or their 3tier lowest bid for a push notification is it as cheap as megapush?
    Love reading your post again and again
    Thank from

    1. Hi Osas,

      Propellerads has a minimum CPC for push traffic of $0.005 for all countries, and MegaPush has their minimum bid of $0.001 for some countries, going up to $0.002, $0.003 etc for more popular advertised countries. So yeah Mega is cheaper than propeller.

      However PropellerAds has CPM push, if you get good CTR on your ads, you can get clicks as cheap as $0.001 on Propeller as well.

      Hope this helps,

  7. Unfortunaly for EU company is impossible work with they, because they dont do invoice for payment, so if you have a company in the EU and you need an invoice, I advise you to contact your account manager first.

  8. Hi Stephen,

    This is a very nice piece of work. Thank you.
    May I ask you to get in touch with me via Telegram: @anihovak or email: [email protected]? Or leave your skype address, so I can get in touch with you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Hey Stephen after invested more than 500$ in megapush and Propellerads I can say that push is good I really like Propellerads they have high quality traffic and have good targeting for campaign optimization But I don’t like megapush at all they also send bot traffic and don’t have good targeting option I have 2 successful campaign with megapush in tier 3 geo but after collecting so much data i optimize it but no conversion even I got so many bot clicks I kniw they have good quality traffic as well for one campaign I receive 42$ sale in only 7$ spend and after optimization same campaign become dead but these things are not with Propellerads they have 0 bot traffic and Propellerads is scalable too….

    1. Hi Anuj,

      Yeah that can happen, but I don’t think they have bot traffic just maybe the offer did not convert for that specific country. For example I know I sent 5000 clicks in PropellerAds to an offer and never making a single conversion, I changed the countries and with the same offer I was profitable… so you know things like that are possible.

      But I mean, yeah they could have some bots too, any traffic company kinda has some these days… but since you were able to make a profit already in MegaPush that kinda means they also have good traffic and maybe your offer+country combination didn’t work.

      Also sometimes with push traffic (no matter the network) you can optimize the same offer/campaign as much as you like, the simple fact is that your push ad will be seen probably by the same people again, and they are just not interested anymore, so that’s why it’s tricky a bit to run only push traffic to the same offer every time.

      Anyway for scalability yeah I think PropellerAds is better a bit because they have so many more ad formats, like banners, native, CPM, CPA, popups etc… so it’s easier to buy more traffic from the same source.

  10. Hi Stephen,
    Quite a Great article you have here. I wanted to know if using megapush for AdSense arbitrage is actually safe and has a good return on investments

    1. Hi Joe,

      It should be safe, since I’ve done it for a couple of months, I’m running more push traffic with PropellerAds these days (similar to MegaPush), because I like it a bit more, but yeah, in general, it should be safe, you just need to track everything and make sure you don’t get bot traffic or some crazy ad CTR like 10-15% or more…

      Google might still suspend your account for various reasons such as the content of your site, the way you implemented the ads, etc… so it’s not always everything about the traffic source.

      Good luck,

  11. One of the most interesting blogs I have read in a long while from top to bottom. Stephen great work for revealing some of your secret sauce ๐Ÿ™‚ I am going to give Megapush a try this coming week and see what it holds for me. Between, is it compulsory I have a sort of a landing page for the dating offer? I already grabbed a link for promotion on Maxbounty. Also, if I make use of the post back URL functionality, do I still need to use Redtrack to optimize my campaigns ? Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Jacob,

      I’m glad you like my blog (I also replied to your email).

      Anyway, you can give MegaPush a try, but be smart with what GEOs you will be targeting, some have success on Tier 1 countries other in tier 2 and 3, it depends on how much $ you have to test. You could also try the push notifications from PropellerAds (although I think megapush also buys traffic from PropellerAds anyway).

      For dating offers, yeah you kinda want to have a landing page to entice the users and make them interested in clicking on to the actual CPA offer. In almost all of my tests, a landing page performed better than direct linking straight to offer. Direct linking works only with specific offers and dating is not one of those.

      You don’t really need to use RedTrack if you make use of the postback URL properly and use the sub id’s in your maxbounty URL together with the tokens you get from MegaPush, for example, {feedid} or {bid} (you will see more tokens inside when you create the actual megapush campaign).

      Redtrack or any other tracker is suitable if you have many campaigns running on different ad networks etc, in order to keep things organized and to be able to properly track them all.

      Good luck,

  12. Hey Stephen I am little confused according to my research push notifications are only doing well in tier 2 and tier 3 countries is that true…? And Push notification work in USA or not I want to promote some offers in USA through push but right now I am so confused it’s will work or not I am seeing case studies from tier 2 and tier 3 countries what’s your experience mate about push notifications in tier 1 I am totally new in push I will start with tier 1 or 2 plz help me out plz share your experience about push in tier 1 traffic and health offers work in push notifications or not plz reply me mate

    1. Push notifications work in tier 1 countries like the US, but it’s more expensive to buy clicks there and of course, it means that it might be harder to get a profit, it also depends on what offers you’re targeting. That’s why you see most affiliates targeting tier 2 and tier 3 countries since it’s cheaper to buy and you can make profit a bit faster.

  13. Hi, Nice review & also interesting comments from your readers ๐Ÿ˜€

    Someone says about bot traffic, in that case I guess i can say that I have my own reason to believe that “twitter” is SCAM & sending bot traffic to my advertising campaign.

    Yes, I have used $40 & in my ad campaign dash board I have seen 500 clicks in one single day & the interesting thing is, when i track my website visitors using google analytics I found only 10-12 visitors!

    My site was totally new & i had no other traffic source & that’s why i able to find out the true fact!

    Now, tell me, Twitter is scamming us?

    I even used google adwords & found same problem, 50-60% visitors what they are showing in the dashboard & also visitors duration is less than 10 sec!

    Google adword is scam then?

    I have many case study like this & confused about this. In recent campaign of forex affiliate I have sent over 300 visitors in to my landing page & got 0 registration!

    Google is fake then?

    What you think guys?

    1. Hi Arif,

      No idea about Twitter ads, as I never used them… it seems fishy indeed. Maybe try to ask them about this issue? Dunno.

      About AdWords, I don’t think they have fake traffic but it depends, did you buy the traffic from publisher sites (display network ads) or did you do search advertising only? If they are clicks from the display network (publisher sites) then maybe the traffic wasn’t good enough quality, it doesn’t really mean it’s bot traffic, but there might still be some publishers that use fake clicks on their AdSense ads in order to raise their revenue a bit.

      Also sometimes Analytics doesn’t register the whole amount of traffic from what I’ve observed (and this happens with pretty much any traffic source that I used, I always see fewer people in my analytics).

      The solution to that is to use a tracker like FunnelFlux or check the server visit stats if you want to make sure.


    1. Hi Don,

      Very good question. I think they don’t allow any nudity in the ads and on the landing page so I wouldn’t risk it if I were you (you can always read all their rules if you want to make sure). I always use a prelander of my own though, specially for dating CPA. Just a simple HTML page with something like: Are you 18+? and a big “YES” button. You can also add a non-nude image on that pre-lander and other things to make the CTR higher.

      Hope this helps.

      1. Hello,

        I got a campaign working well and when i try to optimise it by pausing non performing feed ids, my ad gets very less clicks .Is there any way to improve this?

        1. Hi,

          Well if you’re using a few feed id’s there’s not that much that you can do. Two options:
          1. Use the same product/offer in another GEO to test things out
          2. Make more ad campaigns for the same feed id with different ad images and creative titles.

          Good luck,

    my chat with MEGAPUSH.

    an you share the unique users per country?
    becasue your stats cant be true
    Mark 13:56
    This is the volume of clicks per month.
    Jamie Westwood 13:56
    how can you possible reach 338,244,688 click is one month in the uk
    Jamie Westwood 13:57
    you would have to send a push notifcation to over 11,000,000 people a day every day
    is that what you are doing. just spamming the same users over and over?
    Mark 13:58
    all that is written in our statistics is true dear, and share unique users is impossible, because I don’t own such information
    Jamie Westwood 13:58
    its not true is it ha
    so you get 338million clicks in one month from a county that has only 60million citizens. of which only 48million have a phone?
    explain that to me ha
    your stat is 6.0x the entire population of the UK
    this is just bot traffic
    Mark 14:00
    what geo are you interested in?
    Jamie Westwood 14:01
    well please answer the question
    how your company gets 6.0x more clicks each month in the UK, than the population of the UK
    Jamie Westwood 14:03
    haha and 528million in the USA. 2x the countries entire population

    1. Hi Jay,

      First of all, maybe calm down a little? I approved your comment simply because it was too funny to decline… and I really wanted to answer it anyway for other people who might think like you.

      Listen I agree with the fact that the stats seem a bit skewed, however I think they are talking about impressions and not unique visitor clicks when it comes to that number for each country.. but who knows…

      Do you know how on pop traffic you can set an impression limit? like 5 times per 12 hours? Meaning that a user gets to see your ad for 5 times in 12 hours, so if you count all of that up maybe it makes sense… but like I said I don’t know about that.

      What I do know, is the fact that they did convert for me, and have no problem to prove it to you any time of the day… granted I haven’t used them in like 1-2 months but if you do a search online, on forums such as affiliatefix, afflift, and read what others have to say you will see that it’s not a scammy network.

      I get a shitty 3% commission for every user who registers and signs up with them through my link lol. So if someone deposits through my link the minimum of $100 (which is required to start with them) I get a big whopping $2.88 commission WOW. I can easily remove my affiliate link and it won’t even bother me in the slightest… however I promote them because it works for me and for other people.

      Also good to know is that they buy traffic from multiple networks too, so if you create a campaign in megapush they also get traffic from propellerads, and other networks that are partnered with them.

      At the end of the day the only thing that is true about megapush that I noticed lately from some people in the forums is that their campaigns tend to overspend, now this didn’t happen to me but it’s possible apparently to set a budget of $20 for a campaign and they overspend it up to $40 or so. Yeah that’s wrong, but there’s always overspend when it comes to push/native traffic. The thing is that when I reviewed them and tested my campaigns everything worked smoothly for me, so I guess I will have to revisit them and try doing some more tests.

      In the meantime, if you don’t want to risk $100 to test it out for yourself, you can always try: PropellerAds, ZeroPark, RevContent, they also have push traffic that is good, but I haven’t had the time to write my reviews about them yet.

      1. Hi Stephen.

        I get the impression info. Its just you really do need to look deeper at what they claim.

        You dont see any fishyness in the fact that their reach numbers are larger than any other push notification provider but somehow they are in some geo locations a 10th of the price….?

        You dont see any fishyness in them not mentioning any other publisher catalogue partner but they have all this reach?

        Nowhere on their site do they tell you how their traffic is aquired.

        It is not possible for a company to buy inventory/opportunity through exchange (basically wholesale) then sell it at a 10th of the price.

        This company obviously take your order. Pocket a proportion of your dosh. Just buy some real traffic on any exchange. The send remainder bot traffic (easiest thing to do for the site owner in push!!!!!) You guys just got duped because their scam is that bots dont exist in push for obvious reasons. The bot is them….

        They take 100 upfront. Like….. 100. upfront. it says no refunds in broken English.

        Their scam is you get real traffic in proportion. Its sustainable for them as they are just creaming you with bot traffic. I just cant believe its gone on so long.

        Can i also point out that part of their pitch is they give you an internal tracker haha.

        I think your blogs are wicked. After reading your comment i dont think your in on it. i retract that. but i would definitely advise you revisit and re write after another test. I certainly would be keen to see the results. I wont be putting a dime into this though…

        1. Yeah, I get that, I never really thought about the number of impressions etc. But listen… I don’t know about who got duped, the fact is that I always critique most of the services I’m using and some of them even openly on this blog and other channels.

          Also their numbers are bigger because they buy traffic from over 20+ other sources. So combine all of them together and yeah they have a bigger impression count than the rest… at least that’s my explanation.

          All I know is this, for the time that I used them I tried CPA in various countries and various different niches, ranging from selling CPA health-related products in Colombia, Portugal, and a few other countries, and some dating CPA offers that all converted well for me in Ireland, Norway, Austria etc.

          I also did AdSense arbitrage with them in countries like the Dominican Republic, Israel, A bunch of African countries, Europe and more (I rarely do stuff for US/UK these days). The fact is that I’ve seen results, results that I also shared in this article (some of them), you might think they are fake screenshots, but I mean c’mon… I would fake $30 or so in profit? lol anybody who would do such a stupid thing would make it sound like I invested $30 and got back $500 or some shit like that and then fake the images accordingly. The truth is that most of these campaigns where profitable, others weren’t, the ones that weren’t it was all just about me being stupid and targeting stuff like Peru, Brazil etc…where the purchasing power is low and they don’t convert that well anyway, but that’s what tests are.

          Now tell me, if I for some way had a terrible result with them would I even post about them here? For what a 3% commission (which is insanely low in the grand scheme of things). I manage over 10 websites that are all profitable in various different niches, I barely have time to write a good article on this blog every now and again, the last thing I want to do is to write some glorified review for a sketchy company for a quick buck. It’s not my style and certainly not my intention…

          For me, it worked out well when I tested them in December/January so I have no proof of any fishiness going on from that period… sure some of the impressions might be bogus, but I don’t know… honestly I only cared about seeing conversions and profit and nothing else.
          Other people and super affiliates in the business also tested them and where profitable with them, so I really don’t know what to say here. Things might have changed for the worse, it’s always possible if a company wants to earn some quick bucks they start doing sketchy things. The only real thing they suck in my opinion is their support, sometimes it was great, sometimes it was very bad.

          The only reason why I’m not using them anymore is that I’ve been testing a lot of stuff over in PropellerAds since they’ve released some new features lately that I love, plus I’m more used with their platform and know the targets a bit better now. Also they have CPA and CPM modes that MegaPush doesn’t so yeah for me those are important as well.

          Anyway do with this what you want, nobody is forcing you or anyone else to join them or give them any money, at the end of the day every one of us is responsible with what they do with their money.

          P.S: A few months ago I paid for 1200 clicks (about $70 or so) from the US from a very well known and reputable native ad service that was acquiring traffic from the Outbrain network. Out of all those 1200 clicks, only 18 of them were from the US, the rest were from Africa, India etc…

          You know what the crazy thing is? Their platform worked great until that moment for me, so I never had any doubts about them… until this crap happened, so yeah it can happen I guess anytime to anyone in any network, sometimes it works great then you get hit with some bullshit.

          It’s been over 3 months I still haven’t heard back from that company lol, and I asure you it’s not even mentioned anywhere in this blog. I should probably start a post about all the crappy networks out there that I spent thousands in over the years… but I have so many ideas for blog posts and so little time… so maybe some day.

          If you still want to give push traffic a try, you can test PropellerAds, RevContent, ZeroPark, PPCmate, AdMaven. I need to write reviews for these soon too. I’d say give Propeller a try but they are also Russian and yeah you might find them sketchy as well or think that I’m pushing for them for some reason, but I just think they are a very good network so do with this what you want.

          Good luck,

  15. Another Great article Stephen !

    i’m the 100$ total budget guy if you remember xD

    anyway i’m so intrested in MegaPush again, and i would love to try it, i’ve read theire policy and i’m planning on doing promotions by book (as legitimate as possible) but i’ve read that MegaPush drain your whole budget for no reason, i saw few people talk about it in a new thread in affiliatefix with screenshoots that show how bad theire support is, have you ever experienced anything like this with them ?

    1. Hi Omar,

      Yes I remember you ๐Ÿ™‚

      I never had that happen to me with MegaPush, although I don’t use them all the time, to be honest, I use and test many ad networks constantly… when I used it, I had no problems with them. The only thing that bothered me was that sometimes my ads would get rejected when I knew for a fact that they were not really that bad to reject them.

      But, I don’t know what to say really, my experience can be different than others, I’m not even paid by them or anything, I think I get like $2.8 for every $100 that someone deposits via my affiliate link, which of course is a very bad commission rate and I wouldn’t risk my integrity for $2 lol. I had conversions with them with dating CPA offers, health/nutra offers in Europe, and I also tested them with Adsense arbitrage… which didn’t work out that well, but I was still receiving clicks in Adsense, so they were not “bot traffic and draining budget for no reason”.

      But the last time I did anything with them was like 1 month ago, so no idea, maybe things have changed now… I will have to test them out again in the future.

      You can also check out if you want, it still a $100 minimum deposit, but I’m still using PropellerAds to this day and it’s not bad. I will have to create another post for PropellerAds too, but I’m too busy all the time ๐Ÿ™

      Good luck,

  16. Hi
    Terrific information. Best blog i ever read from top to bottom. I just want to ask you…
    What will I have to say to adcombo to accept me?
    I am a newbie but i have a good knowledge about internet mktg. please can you send me a good example formula ,for acceptance at
    I do not have website.
    I am also your subscriber. thx

    1. Hey Cristian,

      I’m glad that you like the blog. Now about AdCombo, as with any CPA network, they pretty much want to know that you know what you’re doing and that you have experience. I don’t think AdCombo cares about not having a website since their offers already have a pre-lander that acts sorta as your website that then redirects to the actual landing page of the product/service. But they do care about your experience, the methods you will be promoting their offers, what traffic companies you will work with, etc.

      AdCombo has many COD offers (cash on delivery) most of them in the health niche for example: Diet supplements, varicose creams, get rid of wrinkles creams, etc… but they also have finance, crypto, casino, betting, dating etc.

      Out of all the networks I talked about above in this article: Los Pollos, AdCombo, Peerfly, Maxbounty, I will say that AdCombo are probably easier to join and get approved, but then again it all depends on what experience you have.

      Honestly, when I was starting out, I joined many CPA networks just by being honest (not adCombo, because adcombo wasn’t around when I started). So basically I told a bunch of networks something like this:

      “Hey, I want to join your network, particularly because of the “XYZ Offer” that you guys have. I was looking to promote a product/service in this niche and after my searches on OfferVault and AffPlus, I’ve seen that you guys have one of the best offers out there.

      To be honest with you guys, I’m new to CPA, but I have a lot of experience and knowledge about Internet Marketing, and I would like to give CPA a try. This is how I plan on promoting your offers:

      -Create a landing page for your offer
      -Do paid advertising and buy traffic from networks such as MegaPush, RevContent, PropellerAds, and more…

      If you want to know more just let me know and I will reply ASAP.
      Best regards,
      Your Name here. “

      And there you have it, you can use that for AdCombo I guess, but obviously modify it a little bit and make it your own, I don’t know what your knowledge level is, so it’s better for you to add a bunch of stuff that you know in that message and click send. Of course, I can’t actually guarantee that this will work and you will get approved but if you don’t get approved, don’t worry you can try again with other networks, there are plenty of them out there.

      Hope this helps, and good luck,

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