Top 10 Best SimilarWeb Alternatives & Competitors

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SimilarWeb alternatives

If you’re looking for SimilarWeb alternatives that are either cheaper or free, I’ve got you covered, as I will show you 10 tools that you can use to replace SimilarWeb.

Don’t get me wrong, SimilarWeb is a great research tool that has a lot of great features which are useful for marketers.

Their analytics and intelligence metrics are pretty similar to Google’s, and you can get to learn a lot about your site or your competitors by using SimilarWeb.

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For example, you can check out in what country the website is popular, what are their top traffic channels, from what sites are they getting referral traffic, and more.

But even though SimilarWeb is great, the free version is as expected, limited in features. and the plans to upgrade to SimilarWeb Pro start at $199 per month.

similarweb pricing

That’s way out of budget for many online marketers. Not only that, but they have decided to split their plans into 3 different packages, and if you want to have access to all their features and tools you will have to buy all 3 of them, so 3 x $199 / month at least.

Comparing that to almost all the SimilarWeb alternatives that I’m going to talk about in this article, and you’ll quickly see why many are searching for other digital marketing tools to help them in their online marketing journey.

So let’s get started and take a look at some of the best SimilarWeb competitors in the market today.

Top 10 SimilarWeb Alternatives in 2022

1. Semrush – The Overall Best SimilarWeb Alternative

semrush - best SimilarWeb alternative

Semrush (affiliate) is the top all-around SimilarWeb alternative that I’m using on a daily basis.

You’ve probably read a few articles on this blog where I talk and promote Semrush, and that’s not only because I’m an affiliate of theirs.

As you know I never promote tools that I don’t think are good, and that I don’t personally test. Regardless if I’m an affiliate of theirs or not.

You will see a ton of good words on the internet regarding Semrush, and that’s because it’s pretty much the Swiss-army knife of online marketing.

Similar to SimilarWeb (pun not intended), Semrush also has a lot of features and tools that you can use to either gather more insight into your own websites or research and spy on your competition.

Where SimilarWeb is mostly used to gather intelligence on competitors and their metrics, with Semrush you get to have all that plus a bunch of other great features that will help you grow your website/s even faster.


Semrush has over 40+ tools that marketers can use to get an advantage over their competition such as:

  • Website Traffic Insight – Get traffic analytics for any website
  • Organic Research – See how you’re site is doing in the organic search results
  • Keyword Research – You can use this tool for many things, including finding easy-to-rank keywords and get ideas on topics to write blog posts faster.
  • Backlink Tool – Check out the backlinks of any website, very useful to see where your competitors are getting their links from
  • On-Page SEO Checker – Not optimizing your pages and posts for on-page SEO is a costly mistake, use this to get hints on how to do it better.
  • Advertising Research – This is used when you’re mostly doing paid advertising to see what’s your competition and the difficulty/price for keywords.
  • Display Ads – With this, you can see a competitor’s display ads. A very useful tool if you’re doing affiliate marketing with Google Ads for example.
  • PPC Keyword Tool – Since Google’s Keyword tool isn’t that great anymore, using this will give you an advantage over the advertisers who rely just on Google’s Keyword tool.
  • Ad History – Check out what ads you or your competitors have created in the past. Including title and PPC ad copy.
  • Ad Position Tracking – Track your ads against and see how they stack against the competition. This is key if you want to optimize your ads for a better ROI.
  • Content Audit
  • Topic Research
  • SEO Content Template

Of course, this is not a complete list of their tools and features, just some that I personally use daily, and that is also popular within the community.

There are also hidden gems to be found within these such as the featured snippets option that shows you keywords that are getting featured and the competition.

Semrush plans are cheaper than SimilarWeb Pro, with their plans starting at $99 per month if you choose to pay annually and $119 / month if you pay monthly.

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semrush - similarweb competitor

All in all, for the money Semrush is the best alternative to SimilarWeb, and I don’t really see that many options out there that will beat Semrush in terms of features and pricing. At least not at the moment.

If you want to give Semrush a try, you can get a free trial by using my link.

2. Mangools – SiteProfiler – Budget SimilarWeb Alternative


Mangools suite of tools is the best SimilarWeb Pro alternative for budget-conscious marketers.

You have 5 main tools inside Mangools that you can use to gather information on your own websites as well as from your competitors:

  • SiteProfiler – Check the authority and get insight for any domain.
  • KWFinder – With this one, you can easily do keyword research and get content ideas
  • SerpChecker – Use SerpChecker to see local SEO competition
  • SerpWatcher – With SerpWatcher you can see and track how your site is performing in Google.
  • LinkMiner – A great tool to use to discover backlink ideas.

The best part of using Mangools is that they offer kinda the same features as SimilarWeb and they are way cheaper.

How cheap are we talking?

mangools plan

Well, their plans start at just $29.00 per month for the annual plan or $49 if you choose to pay monthly.

This is one of the cheapest options out there, and surprisingly their stuff is just as good as others, sure maybe they don’t have 40+ tools like Semrush, but they’re not that far off either.

Mangools is a great SimilarWeb alternative especially if you don’t want to pay more for Semrush’s extra features.

3. Alexa – Free SimilarWeb Alternative

alexa - free similarweb alternative

Even though Alexa also has a pro plan starting at $149/month, you can still use their free version as a SimilarWeb alternative.

Alexa is a veteran when it comes to analytics and web traffic research.

I still remember the days when people were buying fake bot traffic just to lower their Alexa ranking because it would give them more credibility and some even thought it would help with SEO.

Some even do that to this day, especially if they want to “boost” a website’s value.

Regardless of all that, Alexa has some great features that you can access for free, such as:

  • Similar Sites – Get a list of sites that are similar to yours based on your audience and keywords overlap
  • Keywords Opportunities – Get easy-to-rank keywords that you can use to create content, or see from what keywords other sites are getting their organic traffic.
  • Backlink number – You will have to upgrade to a paid plan to see the actual backlinks though.
  • Alexa rank – See your website’s rank based on the traffic you’re getting
  • Site Metrics – Including bounce rate, time spent on site, and page views
  • Referral sites – A great alternative to SimilarWeb’s referral tool

4. Ahrefs

ahrefs - simialrweb competitor

Ahrefs is one of the most popular SimilarWeb alternatives that you can use for all your digital marketing needs.

Their suite of tools is amazing, and I particularly like their Content Explorer to find great content ideas in every niche possible.

However they have more features than that, so let’s see their full range of products:

Don't want to spend too much money on SEO tools such as Semrush but still want something to track your SEO data? Try Mangools.
  • Site Explorer – Use this as a direct alternative to SimilarWeb
  • Keyword Explorer – Need to do keyword research? This is what you will have to use. Their keyword tool is one of the best in the business and it’s very accurate.
  • Site Audit – Everyone’s site will always need constant SEO checkups, so with the Site Audit, you can do that effortlessly.
  • Rank Tracker – As the name suggests, this will help you keep track of your SEO ranking positions as well as those of your competitors.
  • Content Explorer – Great for figuring out new content ideas that have easy chances of ranking, even if your site has no backlinks.

The pricing for Ahrefs starts at $82 per month if you pay annually, with the monthly plan starting at $99.

5. SpyFu – Great SimilarWeb Alternative for PPC

spyfu - similarweb competitor

Spyfu is one of my favorite SimilarWeb alternatives, in fact, I’ve been using their platform way before SimilarWeb even existed.

I mainly use SpyFu for… well… the name says it all, spying on my competition when I’m driving paid traffic to some of my sites for example when I’m doing affiliate marketing with Google ads or Microsoft Advertising.

Nowadays though, SpyFu has grown into a full-fledged SEO & Ad Intelligence suite with a big range of tools covering pretty much anything you’d want if you’re looking for SimilarWeb competitors.

For me personally their PPC intelligence metrics are simply the best in the business and I only use them for that.

Here are some great marketing tools and features that SpyFu has:

  • PPC Keyword Research – If you’re doing a lot of paid website traffic, you need to try this tool.
  • Google Ads Competitors – As the name suggests, you can see who’s competing against your ads and you can check out their ads and websites to get some “inspiration” of what they’re doing right.
  • Google Ads Templates – This is something unique to SpyFu, they will give you a file that has pre-made ads in various keyword groups that are laser targeted for your industry. You can copy/paste these directly into your Google Ads account and start advertising in literally 5 minutes like a PRO.
  • Ad History – See the ad history of your competitors or for certain keywords.
  • SEO Competitor Research – More spying on the enemy, to learn what they are doing so that you can do it better and beat them.
  • SEO Keyword Finder – Use this to find keywords for creating content and doing better on-page SEO.
  • Backlink Checker – See the backlinks of your site but also of your competition.
  • Rank Tracker – Track your website’s ranking in the search engines.
  • SEO Reports – Get detailed reports about your website’s SEO. Kinda like an SEO audit.

As you can see, SpyFu has a ton of great features, and when it comes to paid advertising intelligence I honestly think they are the best in the business when it comes to PPC ads.

They are worth all their money simply for their PPC data, and I think it’s one of the best SimilarWeb alternatives at their price range.

Speaking of money…

How much does SpyFu cost?

I mean it has a bunch of great features I’m sure it’s expensive as heck right?


SpyFu’s pricing is some of the lowest you will get in this industry, with plans that start at just $33/month if you pay annually, and monthly plans starting at $39.

Moving on…

6. Serpstat

serpstat - similarweb alternative

Serpstat is more of an SEO platform and so it lacks some of the features that other SimilarWeb alternatives have (like PPC data for example), but it could still be a good fit for marketers that are more involved with SEO.

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Here’s some of their features:

  • Rank tracking – Check out your SERPs and get insight into your competitors.
  • Backlink analysis – You can get to see the last 2 years’ worth of backlinks for your site or your competitors.
  • Keyword research – Get related keywords and insights about search questions to create better content.
  • Site audit – Full-blown website audit that will show you what issues you need to resolve to improve your rankings
  • Competitors research – Keep all your competition into a page where you can quickly see their keywords, ads, and more.

Like I said, if you don’t need too many things like PPC data, social media research and other stuff, then you could use Serpstat, it’s still a pretty good SEO tool with not so bad pricing plans.

As you can see their lowest plan starts at $69 per month but if you choose to pay in advance for a year you can save 20%.

Still not a bad pricing, considering that other SimilarWeb alternatives on this list like Ahrefs for example start at $99 / month.

7. Moz

moz - similarweb alternative

Most of you are probably familiar already with Moz, or at least heard about them if you’ve been doing marketing for a while.

Moz has been around for a while now, and it’s one of the first SEO optimization platforms that had introduced us to many great tools such as Link Explorer.

As such, it’s more focused on SEO rather than a do-it-all kinda tool, but they do have some good features such as:

  • Keyword Explorer – Get volume data and difficulty for any keyword out there.
  • Link Explorer – See what backlinks you and your competition have.
  • Site audit – Get an audit of your website and optimization tips.
  • Rank tracker – Track your website’s ranking in the SERPs (search engine result pages).

While you can use some of these tools for free, you only get 10 queries a month, compared to 7 a day that you get from Semrush, not to mention you get to pay a bit more for a lot less.

I’m sorry Moz, but I will have to pull a Kanye, and say that while I do love you, and you’re a great company that added a lot of value to the marketing world, your price to feature ratio is not that great.

Moz Pro plans start at $99 per month, and while you do get a few useful SEO tools for that, I feel like I would get more for my money if I would go with Semrush, Ahrefs, or Mangools… heck even SpyFu (which is 3 times lower).

While Moz Pro is indeed a good SimilarWeb alternative, for the price though, I think their competitors are faring much better.

8. Quantcast – SimilarWeb Competitor for Paid Traffic


Ah, Quantcast… reminds me of the early 2010s when every affiliate marketer was doing CPA with PPV or 7Search, those were the days.

See, back then there weren’t that many tools like SimilarWeb, there were probably none if I think hard enough.

So Quantcast was the tool that we affiliate marketers would use in order to get a TON of data about pretty much anything.

You could easily see a website’s traffic, demographics, which are pretty detailed (age, sex, location, income), and a bunch of other goodies.

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Honestly, Quantcast is a great advertising intelligence tool that is a must for every paid advertiser out there, especially if you’re doing a ton of PPC/PPV.

  • Demographics – Gender, Age, Income, Children, Education, and more
  • Browsing Interests – What the users are interested in when they are browsing the web
  • Shopping Interests – Pretty self-explanatory, it will give you a list of things that people are interested in buying
  • Brand Affinity – This one is great if you want to see what type of brands people like to use
  • Business & Occupation – Shows you what kind of jobs people that are visiting that specific site are more likely to have

These are super in-depth things that you would need to know about the audience your advertising to if you want to have a great ROAS (return on ad spent).

The good news is that they have a free demo version so that you can try it out before you decide to spend money and upgrade your plan.

I actually have no idea how much money we’re talking about in order to upgrade your plan, because you will have to contact them in order to get that info, and I’m guessing it’s going to be tailored made for your needs.

Quantcast though remains in my heart forever, as I’ve used this tool quite a lot back in the day, and I can honestly say that it’s one of the best SimilarWeb alternatives, especially if you’re buying traffic for your website.

9. SE Ranking – a Lite and Budget Friendly SimilarWeb Alternative


I don’t know why more people aren’t mentioning SE Ranking, it provides many features and tools at prices that you can’t ignore.

Sure they “only” started out in 2014, but they have some great reviews though and for good reason, here are some of what they offer:

  • Keyword Suggestion Tool – Get keyword ideas to build your content around.
  • Website Audit – Checks your website for errors and gives you SEO tips.
  • Rank Tracking – Track your keywords ranking in the search results.
  • Backlinks Tool – See the backlinks of your site and check those of your competitors.
  • SEO Competitor Research – Get an edge over your rivals by analyzing their SEO moves.
  • PPC Competitor Research – If you’re doing PPC you can see who you’re competing against.
  • Social Media Management – Auto-post to your social media profiles.

As you can see SE Ranking has pretty much the same tools as you’ve come to expect from other SimilarWeb alternatives, but for a much cheaper price.

They do lack some features and data that other big boys like Semrush and SpyFu for example, but that’s contrasted by their lower pricing plans.

SE Ranking pricing plans start at just $24.8/month if you’re opting to pay for a year in advance with ranking checks every week. SE Ranking also has a monthly plan that starts at $31.

10. BuiltWith – A unique SimilarWeb Alternative

Alright, so this tool is a little bit different than the rest, but it’s one of my most used spying software.

Most of you have probably never heard of BuiltWith, and that’s good. I mean it’s good for me and other marketers that know about it, because we have an advantage, but well…I guess now you know about it too… *sigh*.

Ok, fine, here’s what BuiltWith is all about. Unlike other SimilarWeb alternatives on this list, BuiltWith is not exactly an ad intelligence tool or analytics software, or an SEO platform.

Nope, BuiltWith is a platform where you can quickly get data about a site’s stack, or in more human terms: what kind of software a website is using.

Think about CMS (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc), eCommerce software, and more.

My favorite all-in-one SEO tool is Semrush. It basically has over 40+ SEO tools inside one neat and easy-to-use platform. Check out Semrush via my affiliate link and get a 7-day free trial.

For example, did you know that over 93% of people in the US have started a blog on the WordPress CMS?

That’s a pretty huge market share that WordPress has in the US, but also over 30% of the websites on the internet are also powered by WP. That’s the sort of data that you can get from BuiltWith.

All that technical data about a website (especially a competitor of yours) will give you a better picture of what the users in your industry expects and are used to.

Not to mention that one of their best tools is the Relationship Profile one, and this is one of my favorite *ninja hustle tricks* in the game.

With this, you can uncover other websites and web properties that a site owner might have.

So for example, the people who run also own or “have a relationship” with these other sites:

If you don’t understand how powerful this information is, well then, you don’t need to bother using BuiltWith haha.

There are some pretty insane things that you can do with BuiltWith but I’m going to let you discover them on your own.

BuiltWith prices start at $295 per month but you get a discounted rated if you pay annualy.

Sure it’s one of the more expensive SimilarWeb alternatives, and it’s not exactly in the same category of tools as SimilarWeb, but in my opinion, the price is all worth it, if you know how to use this tool to your advantage.

SimilarWeb Alternatives: Conclusion

So there you have it, 10 SimilarWeb competitors.

There are many great tools to choose from, all have their advantages and disadvantages, but I hope this post helped you a bit and gave you some more options to choose from.

Some have a ton of features at cheaper prices such as Semrush, while others have fewer tools but at a much lower rate.

Let me know which ones are your favorite and why, down in the comments.


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