15 Ways To Make Money Online [2024]

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Make Money Online

Learning how to make money online has never been this easy.  Especially in 2024 when we have so many opportunities, and methods for people to earn cash.

In this article, I will share 15 of these methods with you. Hopefully, some of them will help you out and give you an idea of what you would like to do.

Note: Some of the below methods have become even easier with the advancements of AI technology in 2024.

1. Become a Freelancer

An easy way for people just starting online is to become a freelancer. Basically, you will do jobs for other people, and earn money either hourly or for a fixed sum (up to you).

There are many freelancing skills and ways for you to make money. You can write content, design logos, create websites, code apps, code plugins, fix errors and broken code, SEO, etc..

Want to host super fast-loading landing pages at a cheap price? Use Vultr. Run a VPS server from just $2.5/month.

Many popular freelance platforms out there that you can start on such as Upwork, Freelancer, Guru, TaskRabbit, Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, etc.

The competition can be a bit tough at first before you build up a portfolio and work history with positive reviews. But after a few successful completed projects, you will get new ones much easier. At least that’s usually the case.

I did this for a few years, the money I was making from creating websites and stuff for others, helped me to have money to invest in paid traffic for affiliate marketing and other things.

So I know from experience that it can be very good, especially to have that safety net in case something goes wrong and you need extra money to keep afloat either in real life or trying to make money online and testing different things.

2. Create an online course

Are you good at something or are you knowledgeable about certain topics?

Do you know logo design, website development, SEO, and stuff like that? You can have your own online course and sell it on platforms like Udemy.

You can teach others how to improve, and you can earn money by teaching what you love and know to do.

It can be very rewarding, and I know from experience as I had a few courses in the past (new ones are planned for the future so stay tuned).

You can even create and sell courses and teach people how to: Play the piano, travel cheaper, cook, paint, etc… it doesn’t only have to be SEO, design and all that tech stuff.

3. Make Money Online With a Blog

Make Money Online With Blog

This goes perfectly with the next method (affiliate marketing), although the two can be totally separate.

You can create a blog for many things. Things that you are passionate about, things that can earn you a lot of money, whatever the case might be, a blog is a wonderful asset to everyone that is trying to make money online.

Monetizing a blog is a piece of cake, with the use of AdSense ads and Amazon product placements, anyone can earn money without sweating too much.

(You will have to write a ton of quality content and get traffic though)

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But, creating a blog these days is very easy, in fact, it’s so easy that it can be done in minutes by literally everyone.

Don’t believe me?

Check out my guides on how to create a website in 15 minutes, and after that, you need to learn How To Monetize your website.

4. Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

You don’t need a blog to do affiliate marketing, and you don’t need to use affiliate marketing if you have a blog.. does that make sense to you?

All you do with affiliate marketing is promoting other’s people/company’s products and services.

Whenever someone buys through your affiliate links, you earn a commission for example 30%-50% of the purchase price, and in that way, you get to make money online without having your own product or service.

There are many places to find products to promote, the most popular of them being: Clickbank, Amazon, CJ, ShareaSale, Rakuten, and of course many more.

You can start out simply sharing affiliate links to your Facebook page, twitter, Instagram, or whatever, heck you can even directly buy traffic from ad networks and send it to the offer, and keeping the profits. All without a site.

But a having a blog or a site is 99% of times better when trying to do affiliate marketing successfully.

This is my bread and butter, I make most of my income by promoting affiliate products.

Granted, it’s not for everyone though. I know people who have struggled for years to earn any good money from affiliate marketing, and then I know other people who earn 6 figures doing it constantly.

It certainly requires a lot of skill to pull it off correctly, a lot of determination, ambition, sweat, and a bit of money in some cases.

But when it WORKS, it’s f*cking amazing.

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Check out my Affiliate Marketing Guide if you want to learn more about this.

5. Make Money Online with YouTube

make money online with youtube

Yeah, it’s been done before, by millions of people. All the good ideas are taken, and there are multiple channels for pretty much anything that you can think of.

But you know what? YouTube is still a goldmine, especially for people that don’t like writing (like me) or having to manage websites, ads, and all that other boring stuff. There are billions of videos watched every day by people from all around the world.

People crave new content, good content. There is never enough good content.

YouTube is fun, but it can be relatively hard to pull off, and it requires some knowledge of video editing, but it can be very rewarding at the same time.

Even if YouTube has started to demonetize many channels or videos lately, you can still make money from it by simply adding affiliate links or whatever else you want in your descriptions or videos.

Some people started out just with a smartphone, and now they have millions of subscribers. So give it a try if you don’t like doing anything else.

6. Start a Podcast

I think that podcasting is the best replacement for YouTube. Although there are many popular podcasts on YouTube these days, it’s not necessarily a requirement.

You can post your Podcast to iTunes, Stitcher, and many other podcast platforms and get to build an audience that you can engage with on whatever topic you decide to have.

Podcasting is easier than YouTube in many ways, but it can also be challenging, especially at first, since growing can be slower than with YouTube.

7. Sell your own product or service

This one sounds scary but it’s not that difficult, to be honest, you simply take something that you create and sell it online.

In this day and age, there are multiple easy options to sell online and tons of apps and software that will make this whole thing a breeze.

Also, don’t tell me you don’t have anything to sell. You can create something in a few minutes if you have the right idea and know-how, and post it online and wait for it to sell.

My favorite all-in-one SEO tool is Semrush. It basically has over 40+ SEO tools inside one neat and easy-to-use platform. Check out Semrush via my affiliate link and get a 7-day free trial.

Take your favorite hobbies, and see if you can make money out of it. Do you like drawing? Maybe you can draw for commissions, set up a Patreon and Instagram page, and advertise that.

Do you like crocheting? Crochet for commissions or sell you’re already crocheted stuff.

Maybe you like to make your own clothes, toys, mugs, candles, or whatever… You can sell those online and make money right away.

Places like Etsy, eBay, and Facebook Market, also Craigslist are perfect for this.

You can later set up your own online store if you want with Shopify or Amazon FBA.

8. Make Money Online Trading on the Market

make money trading

Look, I won’t delve too much into this, as this is not a forex blog, but market trading can be very profitable if done well.

If you fail though, you might lose a lot of money (depending on how much you invest), with one bad trade.

Trading on the online markets is not for everyone, that’s for sure.

But if you don’t like all the other options on this page, and affiliate marketing or teaching others what to do isn’t your cup of tea, this might be a good business for you, IF you can afford to lose some money.

I can’t give you too many tips on this one since I don’t do this, but there are many guides and tutorials online if you’re interested.

Again if you don’t have money to invest and to lose, simply skip this.

9. Become a virtual assistant

If you don’t like to be a freelancer for different clients all the time, you can choose to become a virtual assistant (VA) for others.

This has many benefits over regular freelancing such as:

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  • Getting paid on time
  • Working for just one employee (or more depending on your schedule)
  • Job security for a longer period of time
  • The same employee can hire you for an indefinite amount of time if you want, and you don’t have to worry about getting other projects

There are many more benefits, but those are just the top ones in my opinion.

I use VAs all the time, especially when I focus on big projects.

For example, one VA that I hire has the only job of editing and publishing content on a few of my sites, content that they get directly from the freelance writers that I hire.

So in that way, I get to focus on the more important things. And I work with one VA for over 1 year now, and it’s great for both of us.

10. Make Money Online by joining Fiverr

This is a bit different than freelancing, although it can also be a way of being a freelancer.

The difference between the two, at least in my mind is that with normal freelancer jobs, you usually have to wait for clients and employees to post a job on a website like Upwork, and then you and hundreds of others of freelancers will Bid and try to win that project.

On Fiverr is different, you set up the rules, you set up what you want to sell, in what time frame, and also create a following of buyers that will use your services all the time.

Fiverr is a perfect combination of freelancing and selling your digital marketing skills.

If you like to get paid to do stuff for others, something that you’re good at, but you hate the regular freelancer experience, go give Fiverr a try.

You can also sell products and various other crazy things here, like simply recording a video wishing people happy birthday, or sending people postcards from your location, etc.

11. Write and sell your own eBook

Sell your ebook

Not that difficult as it sounds. You don’t really need to write the next “A Song of Ice and Fire” novels or the next 50 Shades of Grey.

You can write simple eBooks about things that you’re passionate about or things that you know.

Maybe you know how to fix certain things and problems, and other people might benefit from learning that.

My favorite all-in-one SEO tool is Semrush. It basically has over 40+ SEO tools inside one neat and easy-to-use platform. Check out Semrush via my affiliate link and get a 7-day free trial.

Maybe you like cats and want to write an eBook all about cat grooming.

It’s possible and easy nowadays to write your own eBook and sell it online.

Websites like Amazon with their Kindle program, will take your freshly written book and make it available to millions of people to find and buy on their gigantic online store.

You can also sell it on other eBook sites, or even your own website.

12. Create and flip websites

Ok so this one is a bit more technically advanced, and a bit on the risky side. But here goes.

Flipping websites can be very profitable, especially if you are not good at affiliate marketing, getting traffic, picking offers, etc.

Usually, to flip websites for a large sum of money you will need to:

  1. Create a website in a profitable niche
  2. Build Traffic
  3. Earn money through AdSense, or Amazon, CPA marketing or affiliate marketing
  4. List the website on sale and ask for 6-12 times the amount of money your site makes in a month.

There is however another option, for those who don’t like to deal with all of that.

Create starter websites, websites that people can buy for a lower sum of money, that they can use and build their online business on.

There are many people out there that have no idea what hosting is, how it works, or how to install WordPress, plugins, create a logo, etc.

All you need to do for this to work is:

  1. Invest and buy a domain name
  2. Create a nice looking logo and website
  3. Add some quality content (write a few unique articles or outsource)
  4. Install all the plugins and bells and whistles
  5. Post the site up for sale on Flippa or any other place like even eBay
  6. Ask for a low amount like $99, $149, $199, or depends on what others are asking and what you feel comfortable with.
  7. If you sold the site during the time of the auction, great
  8. Repeat all the steps now for another site
  9. If you did not sell it, relist the site again and again and slowly ask for less money every time. In the meantime, you can start working on another site.

You think this doesn’t work, but it does. I thought this method to some of my close friends and they have become successful out of doing this thing.

Heck, even I sold a few sites like these a long time ago… ok granted, the whole reason why I was creating the websites was for me to test SEO, paid advertising, and different offers on them, not really being interested in the flipping business.

Don't want to spend too much money on SEO tools such as Semrush but still want something to track your SEO data? Try Mangools.

But when I was done with a project/site, if I was not satisfied with the niche or whatever, I would list them for sale for a low price if they did not earn me any money.

13. Make Money Online from surveys

This is as easy as it sounds. You sign up on a website (or more), you browse their surveys, pick a few, complete them, and get paid afterward. It’s that simple.

Many people might think these sites are scam, and they never payout. In reality, there were a few bad survey sites a few years ago, but luckily nowadays there are a couple of solid ones with plenty of positive reviews from other people who used them to make money online.

While you won’t earn a fortune doing this, it can certainly help those struggling to start and make money online with a blog or affiliate marketing.

You can get some extra bucks to pay for a domain name, hosting, and other things that you need in order to start a successful online business.

Some legit survey sites to make money online:

  • InboxDollars
  • Swagbucks
  • Toluna
  • Vindale Research

14. Sell your photos

sell photos

This is still technically in the “make money online” territory.  Even though you will make use of the “real life” for the subject of your photos, selling them offline can be tricky and difficult.

Online though, it becomes easier, with so many stock photo websites like:

  • Shutterstock
  • Alamy
  • Adobe Stock
  • Getty Images
  • iStock
  • Dreamstime
  • 123RF and more

15. Fix & Sell broken items

Alright, this might not be something fancy like writing articles, drawing or publishing a blog post, but it can still be a very lucrative opportunity for you to earn money online.

The concept is simple. You buy cheap broken items (or get them for free), from sites like Craiglist, eBay, local classified ads, Facebook Marketplace, etc…

You fix those broken items, and then put them for sale again on the same platforms.

Usually, you should try and fix things that you’re good at.

So if you see a laptop with its display not working up for sale for a ridiculously low amount of money, but it, get a new display, replace the broken display with the new one, and re-list it for sale.

Don't want to spend too much money on SEO tools such as Semrush but still want something to track your SEO data? Try Mangools.

Make sure to always add up more money to include the costs of repairs, shipping, and to have a bit of profit.

Of course, as I said previously, you should know how to repair the things that you’re getting, otherwise, this whole method is pointless.


So there you have it, 15 legit ways for you to make money online. You don’t have to do affiliate marketing if you don’t like it. You don’t need to create a blog if you hate writing. There’s plenty of things to do so that everyone can be comfortable and able to earn online.


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  1. Stephen, You mention you dabble in affiliate marketing. In all honesty, is it a viable source for a secondary and perhaps eventually a primary income? I know that if I was to dive into it, I’d need to be active in a specific niche in order for my affiliate income to accrue, but what does it take to get started? What would you say are the ground rules to determine whether it’s a good fit for myself (yourself) to pursue? Appreciate your site and posts. Keep it going!

    1. Hey Kanon,

      First of all, thanks for reading my posts and liking them, I hope they are valuable to you.

      Secondly, it really depends, it depends on what your goals and strategies are. If you want to pay for traffic, if you want to get it free, etc. In general yes, it’s a viable source for a main primary income. It can also be a secondary income (especially at first when just starting out), you can even lose some money if you go the paid traffic route, etc.

      Bottom line is that it depends on you, how much time and money you invest, and what niches and products you pick. Any niche can make you money by promoting affiliate products and services.

      Most of the times you will have a website specific to a niche, let’s say “Cars”. You post a lot of car-related articles and now you have many options to chose in order to monetize the site. You can go the AdSense and display ads route, the affiliate marketing way, selling your own services and products…or even combining them all together on one site. There are no set rules, just the research into the niche, traffic, and affiliate products/services that you can find, and then decide for yourself if it’s worth it.

      Check out my affiliate marketing guide, and also Affiliate marketing mistakes you need to avoid, to get more insight into affiliate marketing.

      Hope this helps,

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