How Do You Create Compelling Ads that Sell? It’s Easy, Just…
Creating ads that sell, is easy (notice the italics, there), once you get to understand this simple formula. After all, we are in marketing, so in marketing in order to sell someone something you have to do what?
You guessed it… (I hope)
Sell the idea, sell the emotion, sell their perfect solution.
I’m not saying that you should lie, and scam people what I’m saying is: if your ads suck (whatever the platform, Google, Meta, Microsoft, or any of the cheap traffic networks out there)… the problem is you probably aren’t targeting your ideal customer.
Here’s a quick ***ancient Chinese*** (it’s a joke chill) formula to convert better, and drive more sales, all you have to do is:
- Figure out the major pain points, and acknowledge their problem (even the one they didn’t yet realize they have).
- Give them the solution, which … by accident *cough, cough*, is somehow your product/service, and that they are missing out big time if not getting it
- Make them feel (yes, FEEL) the emotion and the benefits of having that product/service, and how they can live happily ever after by getting it.
Sounds easy? Maybe, maybe not. Look, you don’t have to be Ogilvy these days to create great ads. Go to your favorite assistant… which by now should probably be ChatGPT, or Deepseek if we’re still rolling with the ancient Chinese thing, and ask them to help you out.
So to sum up:
Why aren’t my Facebook ads, or Google Ads not converting? How to fix the issue?
Ask ChatGPT to find your ideal customer, the major pains and issues they are dealing with, and to create a story for a hero character following the basic formula of: problem, solution, and benefits of having your product/service.
Alright, that’s it, go run ads… maybe not Meta ones, since I don’t know what in the world has happened with Facebook & IG ads since 20th January, oh well.